Looking for NLP Developer with minimum 3 Years of Real Time Experience in Developing NLP, NLTK and Cloud Based Tools. Opportunity is with a Multinational Conglomerate, A global software and Tele solutions company, Head Quartered in London with Offices in Hyderabad.Sr Developer:
- Natural language processing: Sequence segmentation, labeling and parsing, POS, NER, Toolkits such as NLTK, Stanford NLP, cloud based tools, using and building corpus/classifiers.
- Application development using NLP including bots.
- Experience in building machine learning applications including classifiers (SVM, K-Means), tuning and updating training sets, toolkits such as Sci-kit learn.
- Develop APIs and integrate with existing Applications, device apps that can use both NLP and Machine learning.
- Knowledge of underlying ML techniques, models, predictive techniques etc., will be an added advantage.
- Hands-on coding experience in Python, Java and related tools, Ability to work independently and be self-driven.
Eligibility Criteria: Any Graduate with NLP Development Experience.
Job Location: Hyderabad
Experience Level: 3-7 Years
Budget: Min 20 Lakhs PA
Share Profiles on vamsi.sagiraju@madhees.com
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